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Saxena, A. (2019). Science and Ethics—Merging the Boundaries. In A. Saxena, Ethics in Science (pp. 1–16). Springer Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-32-9009-9_1


Science and Scientific knowledge cannot be deemed value free as they have direct implications for the society where they are practiced and applied. Scientific research, including the applications of Science and Technology, often considered being a panacea for various ills of the society cannot be divorced from the culture and context where it breeds. The ethicists have often raised the question to whose benefit and by what means is Science and Technology progressing and would it really lead to the well-being and welfare of society at large? These are the questions often lurking whenever there is a clash of values, such as, in the case of Nuclear Power Plant, there is a clash of ethical values between establishing a country’s military prowess and risking the lives of millions, or the case of GM crops, where there is a clash between self-sufficiency of a nation and human health. The present chapter addresses this conflict between Science and Ethics and attempts at building interrelationship between the two disciplines for a more conscious and responsible scientific research as well as for a harmonious living.
