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Sonenshein, S., & DeCelles, K. (2017). Mixed Methodologies, Full-Cycle Research, and the Shortcomings of Behavioral Ethics. In P. H. Werhane, R. E. Freeman, & S. Dmytriyev (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Research Approaches to Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility (1st ed., pp. 191–198). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316584385.013


In this chapter, we focus on the common approaches scholars use in their empirical research, point out some of its limitations, and advocate for a perspective based on full-cycle research (Chatman and Flynn, 2005). We begin with a review of experimental approaches in behavioral ethics, which have proliferated during the past decade. Afterwards, we examine field research, which compensates for some of the weaknesses in experimental approaches but raises different kinds of concerns. We will then propose how mixed-methods studies, using what we call quasi-full-cycle approaches, can provide a potent design that builds from the strengths of any single approach while compensating for their limita- tions. By conducting studies that meet criteria of both internal and external validity, behavioral ethics scholars offer the possibilities of richer theorizing for scholars and more relevant insights for practitioners.
