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Raykov, M. (2020). Education researchers’ perceptions of and experiences with the research ethics application process in Europe and beyond. European Educational Research Journal, 19(1), 10–29. https://doi.org/10.1177/1474904119893461


Research ethics reviews are an integral component of the research process in education, but little is known about educators’ perceptions of and experiences with this process. This exploratory study examines educators’ perceptions of and experiences with the reviews of research ethics and, in this way, it contributes to a better understanding of this significant but often challenging research component. The study is based on the integration of quantitative findings from an online survey and the thematic analysis of open-ended responses. The research findings have revealed a distinct pattern of the participants’ responses related to the issues in the ethics review process concerning purpose, ambiguity, and process-related matters. The study also found that a significant number of educators face difficulties during the preparation of their applications. Analysis of the open-ended responses has provided some insights that enhance the findings of the survey by contributing to a deeper understanding of the researchers’ experience with and attitudes toward research ethics. The results of this study indicate the complexity of the research process and the need for comprehensive preparation and an efficient support system that will facilitate rather than hinder the quality and efficiency of research in education.
